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Archive for the tag “Republican Party (United States)”

They said WHAT?


Hello ReThink Nation.  What a week it has been in politics!  The FAA deal, the Debt ceiling deal, Obama’s 50th birthday party and, to top it all of, regardless of the debt deal, the Standard and Poor’s reduction of our nation’s credit rating from AAA to AA+.  Mind you, a reduction in our nations credit rating is terrible, but it was a reduction of the smallest possible amount.  But this article is not in defense of what the S&P did. Not at all.  With almost 14 trillion dollars and debt and a dysfunctional government in Washington, its a wonder that it wasn’t downgraded further.  The thing I want to draw attention to is this:

“America’s creditworthiness just became the latest casualty in President Obama’s failed record of leadership on the economy,” Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said in a statement. “Standard & Poor’s rating downgrade is a deeply troubling indicator of our country’s decline under President Obama. His failed policies have led to high unemployment, skyrocketing deficits, and now, the unprecedented loss of our nation’s prized AAA credit rating.”

Rep. Michele Bachmann echoed Romney in her statement, saying the downgrade reflects the president’s “failed economic policies.”

“This president has destroyed the credit rating of the United States,” Bachmann said.

Courtesy of CNN

I am normally one to not allow debate, especially one regarding politics or religion, to infuriate me, but, ARE YOU F*****G KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!  Claiming this downgrading of our credit a casualty of Obama!?!!?!  S&P has stated that one of the major reasons for the downgrade is the dysfunction in Congress and the House.  Republicans, and especially those of the TEA party variety are the biggest reason for such dysfunction.  The fact that Bachmann said the president has destroyed the rating is just ignorant and blatantly false!   The Republican Party is fixated on taxes right now.  They, for the past 10 years, have held on to some ludicrous belief that  the tax code as it was written in the prosperous 80’s and 90’s need not be revised, even though the fact is corporate millionaires, hedge fund managers, billion dollar oil companies use loop holes and other tactics to evade paying there fair share and in all reality pay less in taxes then your average school teacher!  Their unwillingness to bend in even the slightest degree to help close the loop holes and hold people responsible for paying what they need to pay and seek compromise and cooperation has resulted in them taking not only this country’s governing body, but this nation and our own money hostage in order to further their agenda of protecting the “Job Creators”, which is how they have taken to referring to the billionaires that contribute to their political campaigns.  And now they are pointing the finger for this debacle at the president, who has time and time again, said that both parties, at a time of crisis such as this need to reevaluate certain political beliefs in order to help reach compromise.  The Democratic Party, and Obama in particular, have on numerous occasions, been willing to give up certain things in order to reach compromise and govern this country.  It has been met time and time again with a resounding NO from those from the party of NO.    Republicans, you have been elected to govern.  Not sit there in Washington collecting your money and not doing a damn thing other then refusing to allow not only the president and democrats to govern, but their own majority leader Boehner has been held hostage.  He was, at one point, willing to put tax increases on the table during negotiations regarding the debt ceiling, but quickly retracted once he realized there was no way his party would ever even consider it.  Unless we get rid of these republicans, especially those fond of tea come 2012, we may only be seeing the beginning our government being held hostage….

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